September Moms' Mailing List
Odds & Ends

This area is for information that list members think is worth saving--from recipes to song lyrics.

Acronyms Used on the List

Not sure why someone's DH said YMMV? Here's your guide to the most frequently used acronyms on the list.

Play Dough Recipes

Several recipes for home made play dough; one original from Wendy Glen and two from forwarded by Hao-Wei Liu.

Songs, Poems, & Stories

Pam Simmons collected these baby-related and baby-favorite poems and songs from moms on the list.

Car Seat Information

A constant source of frustration for us is the issue of whether/when to turn a rear-facing car seat forward. Two good sources of information on this question are the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations, and a message sent to us by the top researcher on this topic, Dr. Kathleen Weber of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

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